Open Letters
Many healthcare professionals and experts have been writing open letters citing their concerns in regards to covid, the vaccination program and the ethical breaches which can be viewed below.
Open Letter of Support to Andrew Bridgen MP
Members from Doctors for Patients UK have sent an open letter of support to Andrew Bridgen MP in the House of Commons:
Dear Mr Bridgen
Following your powerful and truth-filled speeches in Parliament (in December 2022 and 9 March 2023) raising awareness of the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccines, the corruption surrounding their rollout, and the plight of the vaccine-injured and bereaved…
Joint Open Letter to Helen Stephenson, CEO, Charity Commission re Andrew Bridgen MP's Allegations that the British Heart Foundation (BHF) withheld Data relating to Cardiac Damage caused by COVID-19 Vaccines
UKMFA, Doctors for Patients UK and HART, along with around 100 medical professional cosignatories, have sent an open letter to Helen Stephenson, CEO of the Charity Commission, to express our deep concerns about recent allegations made by Andrew Bridgen MP in the House of Commons.
Andrew Bridgen stated that a whistleblower alleges that the Oxford University Cardiology Research department, whose lead clinician, Professor Charalambos Antoniades is funded by the BHF has withheld important data about COVID-19 vaccine harms, for fear of losing funding from the pharmaceutical industry, and was therefore prioritising funding over patient safety.
We are calling for a full and independent investigation into any suppression of data by the British Heart Foundation itself or by senior BHF grant holders and have made a number of FOI requests in the letter.
UK Doctors' Letter to the GMC" published by the World Council for Health on the 15th October 2022.

This letter was written by the World Council for Health addressed to the General Medical Council (GMC) in order to uphold medical ethics and safeguard professional standards. The letter outlines doctors’ concerns about the violations of medical ethics, in both clinical practice and scientific research, which has the potential to cause serious harm to patients and the public. If you are a UK based medical practitioner registered with the GMC you can add your signature at the bottom of this letter on the WCH website.
The World Council for Health brings to the table the world’s best health advocates, doctors, innovators and activists fighting to achieve good health for all. Their work and resources are available on their website.
The Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART Group) Open Letters.
The Health Advisory & Recovery Team (HART) have written multiple open letters to the GMC, Joint Committee on Vaccination and immunisation (JVCI) Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, The Prime Minister and other organisations to raise and cite concerns regarding various aspects of Covid and the vaccination program. Their open letters and a list of signatories can be viewed on their website by clicking on the button below.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA) Open Letters.
The UK Medical Freedom Alliance (UKMFA) is the UK’s most recognised and respected organisation advocating for every individual’s right to Informed Consent, Bodily Autonomy and Medical Choice. They have authored open letters addressing their concerns which can be accessed below.