
Clinician Directory

DISCLAIMER: This site is for informational purposes only. These listings are independent business owners and are not endorsed by, nor do they represent Doctors For Patients UK or our associates. Doctors For Patients UK are not responsible for any claims, whether verbal, written or implied, nor any interactions or transactions of any kind with the individuals or businesses listed on this page. Use this information at your own discretion. Information presented is public information and it is possible that parts may be incorrect, incomplete or out of date. Doctors For Patients UK have not verified any of the stated qualifications. This list is currently closed and not accepting further listings.

Name Contact Details Summary of Services
Dr Ali Ajaz https://www.draliajaz.co.uk Psychiatrist - taking holistic approach to mental health problems, focusing on root causes
Dr Ashvy Bhardwaj https://www.thebespokedoctor.com All online- Private functional medicine and nutritionist and soon to be private GP at DocTap AND long covid
Dr David Cartland https://drcartland.com Private telemedicine service- including support for vaccine injured.
Dr Cathy Greig cathygreig@doctors.net.uk Functional medicine doctor with holistic / Quantum health approach
Dr Ayiesha Malik https://www.drayieshamalik.com Online integrative health using psychological therapies & homeopathy
Mr Ian McDermott https://www.kneesurgeon.london Specialist knee surgeon: knee injuries, knee arthritis, knee surgery.
Dr Angela Musso https://linktr.ee/angelamusso Private and holistic GP - General health and healthy living
Dr Dean Patterson biome-me@pm.me Consultant Cardiologist providing online consultations for adult cardiology, vascular and general health all based upon holistic health
Dr Sheila Richards https://www.drsheilarichards.co.uk/ Functional Medicine doctor - treating the root cause to optimise health and longevity
Dr Jessica Robinson https://www.drjrobinson.co.uk Holistic doctor, psychiatrist and homeopath, including lifestyle and environmental medicine.